Many companies are about to undergo their third major round of routine drinking water testing for Legionella in their building stock. As in previous intervals, the conditions have once again changed. Therefore, on June 6, 2019, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Housing Economy (BBA) will host a seminar in Berlin that provides training on new and current regulations and requirements of the Drinking Water Ordinance. A special highlight of the event is the live demonstration of a Legionella analysis in the laboratory at the end of the seminar.

The seminar covers the following topics, among others:

  • The Drinking Water Ordinance was revised for the third time in 2018, with implications for the sampling and reporting procedures in cases of Legionella contamination.
  • There are new recommendations from the German Environment Agency regarding sampling, analysis, and decentralized systems that should be taken into account since December 2018.
  • As a result of revised testing standards, the findings reports now appear slightly different.

The BBA seminar “Legionella Testing in Theory and Practice” aims to provide guidance to facility operators on how to best meet the new and stricter legal requirements. The seminar will take place on June 6, 2019, at 9:00 am at the premises of BBA. It will be conducted by our board member and lawyer Marcus Pikarek, as well as Anne Kuschel, Head of Microbiology at Bioscientia Berlin.

Of particular interest, especially for the “Legionella coordinators” of housing companies, is that after the theoretical session, Biologist Kuschel will not only guide the participants through the laboratory at Bioscientia but will also demonstrate a live Legionella test.

Please refer to the attached information flyer for more details.

BBA Seminar: Legionella Testing in Theory and Practice