
3rd RKI Bulletin: Did Lowering Drinking Water Temperatures in 2022 Affect Legionella Incidence?

The 33rd Epidemiological Bulletin of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), published on August 15, 2024, presents the TESLI study (Temperature Reduction and Legionella Incidence), which investigates whether the inflation-driven lowering of operating temperatures in domestic hot water storage systems in 2022 led to an increase in the incidence of reported cases of Legionnaires' disease. The study also illustrates the trends in average drinking water temperatures over time and the proportion of households that lowered their water temperature. These data were correlated with the incidence of Legionnaires' disease cases at the state level. WATERcontrol was one of the six laboratories approached that provided the RKI with anonymized large-scale drinking water datasets from commercially used drinking water installations for analysis purposes. Legionnaires' disease is the most common form of legionellosis, which manifests as pneumonia caused by Legionella bacteria. Legionella are environmental microorganisms found in water that thrive [...]

2024-11-28T17:26:02+01:0019. August 2024|Concerning us, Facts|


Since 2003 the (German) Drinking Water Directive stipulates that central hot water systems have to be tested for the microbiological parameter Legionella spec. No more than 100 colony-forming units (100 CFU) of those bacteria should be present in 100 ml of drinking water; otherwise further (technical) measures to reduce the contamination are mandatory. But what exactly are Legionella?

2023-06-12T15:20:09+02:0030. March 2023|Facts|

Legionella in the shade of Corona: 12.000 water samples taken in Covid19-times evaluated

In the proceedings of the dominating covid19 pandemic industrial, commercial and private buildings had to be shutdown to avoid the spread of the corona virus The German Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) warned not to neglect the health hazards coming from drinking water installations in terms of legionella growth if the facilities are out of operation for a longer period of time. We took a look at our own set of drinking water data all gathered in corona-times - with surprising results.

2023-06-14T12:48:14+02:0030. March 2023|Facts, Press releases|

Professional services

  • Drinking water testing for Legionella according to Drinking Water Ordinance (core business)
  • Drinking water testing for microbiological and chemical parameters prior to commissioning of systems (e.g. acceptance sampling)
  • Testing of swimming pool and bathing water
  • Testing of raw water
  • Random samples (Z-samples) in drinking and utility water installations for chemical parameters, especially heavy metals
  • Graduated stagnation samples (S0, S1, S2 samples) for chemical parameters, especially heavy metals
  • On-site determination of electrical conductivity and pH value of water
  • Qualitative sensory testing of drinking water on site

Service offerings

  • Processing of client’s object lists and maintenance of inventory data in EDV systems
  • Object inspections to determine testing obligations and, if necessary, establishment of sampling points
  • Nationwide standardized sampling by quality management-integrated, hygiene and sensoric trained samplers with takeover of user/tenant communication
  • Schedule planning for test-obligated apartments between 12:00 pm and 8:00 pm; individual appointments with individual tenants/users
  • Correspondence with health authorities on behalf of the client
  • Monitoring of deadlines for all recurring testing obligations on behalf of the client”
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